How to buy in The3Iron.


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Buy the item you are interested in, even if the seller is far away, thanks to our The3Iron shipping system. If, on the other hand, the seller lives near you, you can also decide to buy and collect it in person - you choose!



Your purchase will only be effective once the seller has confirmed the availability of the product. Being a marketplace, we give space on our platform to shops and individuals to publish their ads and we periodically ask them to keep them updated but this is not always possible. No charge has been made on the card with which you made the payment, only a pre-authorisation.

But don't worry, if the item you have chosen is not available, our team of experts will look for the best alternatives on our site.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Who pays the shipping costs, the buyer or the seller?

The buyer is responsible for the shipping costs. Shipping costs will be added at checkout. The shipment will be managed and organized directly by The3Iron.

How long does it take to ship?

Our sellers must deliver the item to the courier, suitably packed, within 5 days from the date of sale. If the seller foresees a delay in a shipment, they must notify The3Iron so that it is promptly reported to the buyer. If the seller hasn't shipped the item after 5 days, The3Iron support will contact them in order to resolve any problems that may have arisen. The3Iron reserves the right to suspend or disable a seller's account if the seller fails to meet The3Iron's standards.

The purchase was never shipped

Don't worry, the seller does not receive the money until the buyer has received the item in the condition described in the ad. If the item is never shipped, the buyer will be refunded in full. Your payment is fully secured. The3Iron will contact the seller after the buyer has made the purchase of one of their products to notify them of the successful sale and of the following steps they will have to take in order to ship the product properly. If the item is never shipped, The3Iron will issue a refund of the total amount of the purchase (excluding costs associated with purchase protection).

What payment methods are accepted?

On The3Iron you can pay with any credit/debit card and prepaid and electronic cards from the main Mastercard - Visa - Maestro circuits.

How do I place an order?

When choosing the item to purchase within the advertisement, the buyer must click on the buy button. Later on the checkout page, you will have to enter the shipping address, if you have not already entered it in your account, and make the payment. Once the payment has been completed, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address with which you registered on the website.

How can I cancel or change the order?

If the material has already been shipped, it is not possible to cancel or modify the order. Otherwise, you must contact The3Iron as soon as possible at the following address to check whether or not it is possible to cancel or modify it.

Is it mandatory to have an account to place an order?

Yes. In order to buy and sell on The3Iron, you need to register.

How can you track your order?

Tracking your order is very simple; just go to your account under "My orders" and the progress of the order will appear there with the corresponding tracking number.

How can you return a product?

In case of purchase from a private seller, if the purchased goods do not conform to the description in the advertisement, they can be returned within 3 days of receipt, notifying The3Iron of the wish to return by sending an email to and specifying the reason for return. Goods purchased from a professional seller, on the other hand, can be returned within 14 days of receipt, always notifying of your wish to return.


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